






For centuries, dimensions have intrigued thinkers, dreamers, and scholars. The first four - zero, first, second and third - were defined early on by mathematicians, the rest envisioned by mystics and rationalists alike. We like to please ourselves by thinking that our world here on Earth is the only conceivable reality - which appears to be three-dimensional - simply because this is what our senses tell us to believe. Most objects have height, width and depth (thickness), though some, like a sheet of paper, lack depth at a first glance. However, if our eyes were better instruments we could easily detect that even the thinnest sheet of paper has thickness as well, even though it seems to be only two dimensional to our incomplete senses. The fault, as it appears to be the case in countless other instances, is in our measuring instruments: the human eyes, ears, and senses.

Machines are no better, either. If we wish to measure a physical phenomenon we need to set the range at which an instrument is going to measure; that is, we need to anticipate the potential range. Then, in case we receive zero data we conclude that the phenomenon is not happening at all, when in reality it could be merely outside the measuring range of the instrument. Man lives in a world whose parameters are natural to him, thus he cannot even think of the existence of other realities. In order to befuddle this, all we need to do is to accept the fact that the human senses do not provide the widest measuring range. Our eyes are unable to detect infrared or ultraviolet light, yet they exist and are used in a variety of situations, medical as well as industrial. Our ears are incapable of hearing sounds that are above 20,000 Hz, while bats navigate with the help of them in the darkness of caves. Those who can look at the phenomena around us with an open mind are rewarded with the ability to glimpse at unknown dimensions, different spheres of reality. In order to help this process, let us look at the potential stages of dimensions.

The word dimension is a mathematical concept, which means extension or scope in plain English. Therefore, a point - the intersection of two straight lines - is the zero dimension. A point does not have extension in any direction; it exists in itself by itself. To my mind, it represents the Universe before the Big Bang, when all the materials of Creation were concentrated in one point. Since it has no scope at all, outside it nothing exists. On the other hand, everything is in it, encompassing all that is. It represents a totality, a consciousness without awareness, all and nothing in one. There is no potential whatsoever to make any comparison in its case because it would never occur to a point that anything else may exist outside it. It does not long for getting out of this state, either. It is whole in itself, in its entirety, thus it does not need to compare itself to anything or anyone else. God may have felt like that at the beginning of Creation...

The first dimension is the straight line. According to its mathematical definition, it comprises the shortest route between two points. We can best visualize it as a straight line that has restricted extension and not as an infinite one-way progression. So what happens if we set out and reach the other end? We only have one option: if we want to go on we have to turn around and start moving in the opposite direction. The first dimension seems to be a rather limited existence, but if we lived in such a world this would be natural to us. Of course, it is extremely hard to understand its peculiarities when we look at it from our three dimensional reality. Can this be called “life” at all, and if the answer is yes, what quality of existence is it? The question is merely philosophical since the essence of the issue can be summed up like this: in what directions is the potential movement possible? The answer is fairly easy: it is possible only on the course of a thin string in diametrically opposed directions. Not too much fun, right?

The second dimension is definitely a better world. From a mathematical point of view, it is a plane that is created by two straight lines crossing each other. We can easily imagine this world on a sheet of paper, which provides movement in all directions within the plane. This freedom of movement seems to be much more prominent since we can literally set out and go into any direction, apparently nothing obstructs us. However, looking at it from a three dimensional reality, it will dawn on us very soon that its freedom is illusory since it does not have depth. What would happen if a wicked hand drew a line in front of us, cutting us off from the rest of the plane? We would immediately realize how limited this type of existence really is: our freedom of movement would cease to exist in that instance because we would experience the line as a barricade that blocks our path. Looking at it from the third dimension we are certainly aware of the fact that the impenetrable obstacle is but an illusion, not a real wall (in fact, the notion of “wall” as a field object belongs solely to three dimensional realities). We even know the answer how to overcome this obstacle easily: all we need to do is to simply jump over it or cross underneath it. But could we really do it if we existed in a two dimensional world? It would not even occur to us. We would not have the empiric evidence that such a solution is possible. However, if we look at the issue from our own reality, the structural characteristics of the third dimension, it becomes immediately obvious how ridiculous our fear, helplessness and isolation over a thin line is. We can defeat it easily, in mere seconds, and move on.

The third dimension comprises the physical space, the apparent reality that is observable with the help of our senses here on Earth. This is where we live and operate, where we surround ourselves with objects that make our life easier or nicer. These objects have height, width, and thickness. They have actual and recognizable outlines, even though they may exist in many forms. A table, for example, can be big or small, round, oval, square, rectangular or even octagonal. It can be made of wood, marble, glass, metal or plastic. As for its function, it can be a dining or coffee table, a side board, a desk or a patio table, just to name a few. Despite the variety, all these forms are recognizable and easily identifiable - mainly because we know all the potential shapes in which they may appear. To my mind, all the visible planets - the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn - belong to the third dimension and are constantly shaping our reality. We have been able to observe them for millennia; their energies are readily available in our everyday lives and we can understand their impact fairly easily. They represent very basic archetypes of the collective unconscious (the Mother, the Father, the Warrior, the Lover, the Teacher, and so on), which have helped us understand the reality in which we apparently exist. Ancient astrologer priests were watching their movements closely because they realized that planetary aspects and placements reflected the potential events on the Earth plane. By observing the patterns forming in the sky they were able to understand the potential future that awaited mankind - as above so below. Thus, over the millennia, the visible planets have become an integral part of our three dimensional reality, just like an ordinary dining table or a writing desk.

But what happens if a desk is formed of light? Think of well known and documented cases of ghost phenomena when, for example, all of a sudden a shimmering, floating gray-brown image of a desk appears in the inner space of an old house, which is seen by many and which is identified as the desk of the original owner of the house, who died a hundred years ago. This image is created by virtual photons, which are capable of capturing and reproducing the image of real objects even hundreds of years after their demise - it appears whenever the personal or the collective consciousness recreates it. So-called ghost phenomena may be explained by interpreting them as an impression of a three dimensional object that exists beyond the third dimension. The image of a certain entity captured and recreated by virtual photons usually appears only as a result of extreme circumstances (if, for example, its owner was murdered or died violently). In such cases the shadow world of the fourth dimension, that is, the astral plane, creeps into our three dimensional space.

This phenomenon occurs not only with objects but, what is even scarier, the impression of long dead human beings can also reappear in the environment where they used to live. That is why many people believe that the forth dimension is time itself, but the notion is based on false approach. Time is merely a commonly accepted measuring system that exists solely here on Earth. It is used for easier orientation, just like the rest of the applied measurements created by human consensus: the mile, the pound, or the gallon. The forth dimension, however, is a sort of shadow space that exists in itself above or beyond the physical level. It is represented by only one celestial object, a hypothetical planet, Sepharial’s Dark Moon Lilith. Presumably a second Moon, it is a dust cloud orbiting around the Earth with no physical body, but observed by many as a shadow moving across the Sun every six months. The Russians, who are famous for excluding ideals from actual perception (they only care whether or not a phenomenon manifests and are not one bit burdened by restrictions superimposed by ethical presumptions or religious beliefs), have been observing it throughout the 20th century. They were able to provide valuable insight into this mysterious celestial phenomenon, whereas most westerners still reject its very existence because it does not fit into their known reality. To my mind, the elusive Dark Moon Lilith (which should not be mixed up with either the asteroid Lilith, # 1181, or the Black Moon, the empty focal point of the Earth - Moon ellipsis) is the true manifestation of the fourth dimension, which is often called the astral plane.

If we logically continue the description of the first three it is easy to acknowledge that the fourth dimension is the extension of the third just like the second is of the first or the third is of the second. This dimension is most probably the least attractive among them all because it is generally operated by intense negative emotional energy like hate, suffering, sorrow, or unquenchable desire. In rare occasions, however, it can also be intense love beyond the grave that spans the two worlds. There is constant interaction between the third and the fourth dimension; from time to time anyone can glimpse into it. Those who are exceptionally sensitive or receptive may do it more frequently - and also more consciously. The entities existing in it often creep back into ours as well, badly scaring the unaware.

The forth dimension existence belongs mostly to ghosts and earthbound spirits. Whenever a soul feels that it could not complete the tasks for which it incarnated it gets stuck in the fourth dimensional space because it is unable to leave for the higher spheres of pure light. It grabs all kinds of occasions to materialize in the third dimension and shows itself to others whenever it can. Some lost souls may become so attached to the third dimension - in which they are no longer able to operate since they have no proper physical body - that they get hopelessly stuck in the fourth, the shadow dimension. It very often happens to suicide, murder, or accident victims, whose life tasks are unfinished, their goals unattained, and thus it is unbearable for them to leave. At times the love of the living creates an incredibly strong bond, and that is why some souls are unable to ascend any further towards the light. It quite frequently happens to addicts, too, who become so hooked on certain substances during their lifetime that they keep hanging on long after their physical death, desperately trying to access that substance (alcohol, nicotine, or drugs) through the living.

Almost everybody sees strange, inexplicable things once or twice, but some are extremely sensitive and can often communicate regularly with ghosts. There are times when the veil between the dimensions is so thin that even those who normally see nothing get definite glimpses of the inhabitants of the shadow world. Halloween in particular is such a time; so is the Balsamic Moon, the last three days of the Moon cycle, right before the New Moon. In most cultures the last day of October or the first day of November is the festival of the dead. We light candles and bring flowers to the graves of our loved ones - these gestures are designed to appease the dead so that they should not scare us. In shamanistic and matriarchal cultures the Balsamic Moon period was used for magic, and even today it is considered to be one of the most powerful times for performing magical rituals.

The fourth dimension has a fascinating yet sad aspect, which is the phenomenon of delirium tremens, the hallucinating and often final stage in the lives of chronic alcoholics. This is a well-known and commonly described medical syndrome, but it can also be looked at from a different angle. If a person regularly consumes large quantities of alcohol his neurons start to disintegrate and the inner structure of his brain transforms beyond repair. From then on, he will not only be able to notice the objects of the third dimension but entities that have got stuck in the fourth will also be visible to him. This can, naturally, become quite scary while the rest of the world often feels justified to believe the person has lost all his remaining common sense.

The fact that Stephen King, grand master of 20th century horror, is a serious (though repaired) alcoholic neatly supports this theory. According to King, in his best years he used to drink anything that contained the slightest amount of alcohol (cooking wine, household alcohol, and after shave lotion were also on his list). No wonder that the plots of his novels greatly utilize the supernatural and his characters are often the inhabitants of the fourth dimension. If we take a serious look at the writers of ghost and horror stories, modern and ancient alike, we must conclude that all of them were either alcoholics or drug abusers. In the case of Ambrose Bierce, who was seriously wounded on his head during the American Civil War, his near death experience opened another window to the world of shadows. Readers of his works will find the most intriguing supernatural tales in world literature. This proves that too much alcohol, serious head injuries, as well as drug abuse, can easily land us in the scary, sorrowful and obsessive world of the fourth dimension.

The fifth and sixth dimensions are also the extensions of the previous ones but they represent a huge jump in quality (the easiest way to illustrate the nature of the jump is the Fibonacci spiral, which widens exponentially with every new turn), and leave behind the “normal” everyday reality that is prevalent here on Earth. This does not mean that the higher dimensions cannot be sensed from our world, although it must be stated that our human senses are generally not capable of perceiving them. Everyone may experience what the higher dimensions mean, but these types of experiences are so intense that they are usually fairly short and thus cannot become a constant and integral part of our human existence. This quality leap may be compared to the moment when Han Solo’s starship, the Millennium Falcon, reaches light speed and makes the ultimate jump to hyperspace in Star Wars. What can we see? Nothing else but sharp lines of light. All the details and particles of reality turn into streaks of light while we - the space travelers as well as the audience - are completely losing our senses of space and time because our eyes are no longer able to grasp and interpret the details. Luckily, the machines on the spaceship go on doing their job... I am aware that the movie presentation is just a fad and I do not claim that light speed travel in this form is possible at all. I merely wish to emphasize the point that it clearly illustrates the fact that human beings are unable to perceive certain segments of reality outside the normal scope of their senses.

To my mind, the manifestations of the fifth dimension describe the clearest moments of happiness perceived here on Earth. Any deed that requires our human abilities, or indeed our inherently humane qualities, which include the feeling of deep satisfaction, honor, or admiration of another person, leads to the fifth dimension of inspiration. One of the best examples of this is T. S. Elliot’s poem, The Wasteland, which describes what it is like to be in the immovable energy vortex of enlightenment. Elliot calls this the “still point of the turning world,” a unique moment in the space-time continuum. If you wish to understand the profound intensity and beauty of it I highly recommend reading the original poem. The fifth dimension is the bridge between human reality and what we conceive to be God’s world. Let’s consider the pentagram, the five pointed star of knowledge, which Pentagram with Mancombines the four elements - fire, earth, air and water - with the fifth, divine one: ether. The pentagram is the symbol of the fifth dimension. Knowledge descends from the Universe into matter, where it becomes transformed into creativity, skills, and talent. Talent is a deeply human phenomenon, which, at the same time, is but the essence of concentrated karmic knowledge gained in the course of subsequent incarnations: the presence of the divine sparkle in human life.

The end products of art and inspired science are the clearest manifestations of the fifth dimension, but moments of heroism and endurance are also among them. Art raises an interesting issue: what are the general characteristics that define a piece of art? What are the prerequisites for a novel, poem, drama, sculpting, painting or piece of music to be defined as true art? The answer is surprisingly easy. They all become art in the very moment we, human beings, receive it. That is, when we read a poem or a novel, listen to a symphony, or look at a painting. Leonardo’s Mona Lisa is in no sense different from the drawing of a four-year old until the very moment we look at each and register what sort of experiences they initiate. While the evaluation of the end product is always a question of taste and consensus, the process of creation is exactly the same in both cases (indeed, in each case): both the distinguished renaissance artist and the kindergarten kid experience the very same. To my mind, however, this process comprises the sixth dimension because it involves euphoria or ecstasy.

I am aware that the above statements may sound ex cathedra at first, yet the basic facts are perfectly true. A Stradivarius is unique because its master maker knew the secrets of wood and glue. Stradivari’s matchless manufacturing, careful measurements and choice of materials created perfect echoing chambers; to this day, no other manufacturer has been able to surpass their brilliance. When skillful hands play a Stradivarius it produces the clearest sounds and the most delightful harmonies. But in moments of silence it does not differ too much from a third rate violin used in a village fair by a drunken musician, who puts it to rest while getting another drink. In both cases the instruments exist on a potential level, waiting to manifest. A piece of art does not exist in itself, in its entirety. It needs a medium - an echoing chamber - in which it can manifest its true self. At the moment of completion all pieces of art are like naked strings of an electric guitar that is unplugged and silent. They are mere potentials - thought germs and art seeds - awaiting their true moment of birth when they can manifest in a receiver and produce resonance, vibration - in other words, energy. This is one of the basic rules of aesthetics, but we keep forgetting about it. And yet it calls our attention to the important fact that art needs us human beings to become its echoing chamber. Without us the whole affair is not worth a penny.

Deeds of heroism and endurance are very similar and also belong to the fifth dimension. Think of the episode in Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables when the battle of Waterloo reaches its final moments and a handful of French soldiers are surrounded by a sea of English enemies. “Surrender, brave Frenchmen” says the thoroughly moved English lieutenant, but the cornered French captain only replies with a single syllable: “Merde!” And he dies. So do all his soldiers. This type of experience, just as the reception of art, provides true catharsis, and not just once. It can be experienced over and over again whenever the saga is retold. Both heroic deeds, works of art, and scientific achievements carry an essence of energy that can be relived through catharsis when we hear about them, look at them, or listen to them. Human consciousness saves them, human senses reproduce them. They do not change; they do not fade or disintegrate. They remain the same throughout the centuries and are saved intact for generations after generations. We could say that they, too, loom around our visible three-dimensional world like ghosts and apparitions of the fourth. There is a difference, though. Instead of fear and sorrow, these experiences create happiness, joy and honor, - catharsis in its true essence.

That is why I firmly believe that fixed stars are fifth dimensional manifestations. Fixed stars are bright worlds visible from the Earth. They make intricate patters in the night sky and form all the well-known constellations that appear in our myths: the twelve signs of the Zodiac, the Big Dipper, Perseus, Cassiopeia, Andromeda, or Orion. These stars served as cradles to incarnating souls. Traditional astrology tries to describe them by planetary energies, according to which a particular fixed star has the combined meaning of “Jupiter and Mars,” another of “Saturn, Mars and Mercury,” and so on. This must be clearly misleading, to say the least. Australian astrologer Bernadette Brady calls forth interpretation that is based on mythology instead. Fixed stars often function as guiding energies or lucky stars in the myths of various peoples, which could be interpreted as memories of incarnations as well as chosen guidelines. In any case, fixed stars are transmuting fifth dimensional energies down to the Earth plane, and they can also be seen as the cradling worlds or educational stations of the incarnating souls. This is especially true in case the ascendant, the Sun, the Moon, the ruling planet or the Nodes are conjunct a fixed star in a horoscope. Highly evolved souls are often fifth dimensional entities. They are messengers, teachers, masters, who descend to the Earth plane in order to help raise its vibration, so that we can make the transition to a higher dimension.

When we read about or listen to near-death experiences, a light tunnel or gate often appears in the descriptions. The soul starts to move towards the tunnel, then decides to turn back and finds itself again in its own body on the Earth plane. Since I experienced it myself I can only acknowledge its truth. By the time I reached the emergency ward while losing my second baby I had no blood pressure or pulse. Bleeding literally to death, I was lying on a gurney and looking down on the doctors trying to resuscitate me. I remember floating in nothingness, thinking how great this was. I had no inclination to go back into my suffering, weakening body. I saw a light tunnel opening up before me, beautiful and inviting; I was flooded with love. At that point, however, I decided to turn back and pain hit me as soon as I was once again in my body - the beautiful light gone, the feeling of overwhelming love a mere memory. I turned back because I suddenly remembered that I had work to do and unfinished business to complete. Ever since, whenever I need reassurance, the shining tunnel has often appeared in my dreams…

Near death experiences belong to the sixth dimensional perception; so do euphony, ecstasy and orgasm. These experiences embody energies that are well beyond the natural scope of ordinary human happiness. It is their characteristic that they are quite hard to obtain in everyday circumstances. We usually need a companion or a tool that transports us into the sixth dimension so that we can glide easily through its gates. It can be our lover, with whom we experience orgasm (that is why self-gratification is such a poor substitute for real lovemaking). Processes of inspiration and creating art provide it as well. The Merkaba, our light body in Atlantean times, used to have the same Hexagramfunction. Its symbol, the six-pointed star or hexagram, was protected by the Egyptian priests through millennia; by today, its original meaning has been regrettably obscured by abuse and misuse.

On board the sinking Titanic, instead of trying to abandon ship, the small band of Hungarian musicians was playing throughout the disaster until the very last moments. They did not think of escape; the wings of music transported them into the light, which is the purest manifestation of Neptune. To my mind, all the transcendental planets - Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron - belong to the sixth dimension. That is why it is so extremely hard to grasp their essence on the Earth plane, and that is why they are so profoundly misunderstood by traditional astrologers. Ecstasy belongs to Neptune, euphony to Uranus, orgasm and near-death experiences to Pluto, whereas Chiron - shaman of the New Age - can provide the key to all these experiences. With the help of Chiron, which forms a bridge between the outer planets and our visible reality, all the energies of the sixth dimension can be better understood on the Earth plane. Chiron teaches us that it is we who must ascend to these planetary energies instead of dragging them down into the muddy, murky existence of the third dimension. If we fail to do that the outer planets simply lose their true qualities and high resonance; they get corrupted or contaminated. That is the reason why we so often encounter the lowest manifestations of them: deception, drug abuse and alcoholism (Neptune), erratic behavior and anarchy (Uranus), power trips, manipulation and murder (Pluto).

Ecstasy, euphoria, and orgasm can be attained when we allow the energies of the transcendental planets into our lives by creating art, taking a stand in a heroic act, or making love. The end products of art and other cathartic manifestations belong to the fifth dimension, but the processes of creating them are sixth-dimensional dynamics. The sixth can also be attained through meditation and religious trance. Aggressive deeds, alcohol, and drugs do promise such qualities but they only create false, illusory experiences. It is important to be aware of the fact that if we open up our psyche with the help of drugs and alcohol we only open it up to the mercy of the whining, howling entities of the fourth dimension. These entities love to suck out the life force of the souls who allow them in, and who thus become thoroughly lost already on the Earth plane. They cling to them, drain their energy, and grow fat on human suffering.

This is one of the various reasons why it is vital to teach our children to be able to choose the path of light so that they should not seek false, soul-destroying experiences. If we are unable to show them real alternatives like unconditional love, important goals, or worthy ideas we should not be surprised that they seek out all the cheap substitutes instead. One of the biggest challenges of the Aquarian Age is to find a suitable faith or a set of universally acceptable moral standards in order to replace the empty carcass of old world religions. We must be able to show a valid, universal, and comprehensible belief system - an avenue of potential soul growth - to the generations ahead of us in order to counteract the stupefying impact of cheap entertainment provided by a thoroughly ruthless and devious mass media. Our children are growing up on generic brands of TV series and survival shows, which reduce the whole world to a village and which encourage the use of all the cheap substitutes: sex, drugs, alcohol. Those in power do not want to see a generation that is original and creative, that has faith and a clear vision of the future. They want people who are ignorant, uniformly stupid and shallow: whom they can manipulate and exploit.

Is this what we want?



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